Before and After: How to Refinish a Solid Wood Table

Learn how to easily refinish furniture without the mess of harsh chemicals and strippers. 

Have you ever passed up a piece of thrifted or hand me down furniture because you thought it would be too much trouble to refinish?   I'm here to tell you it's much easier (and less messy) than you may think.  Sometimes furniture is too damaged and painting is your only option, but when solid wood furniture is in good condition refinishing should always be considered. 

Earlier this week I ran in Goodwill and found an inexpensive coffee table.   It was solid wood and sturdy, but the finish was flaking off and was in need of a much needed facelift.  The style of the table was a little more country than I would have liked, but I knew with new stain, a little paint and a splash of color I could give it a fresh new look. 

refinished Gdoowill coffee table
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