How I Met My Hive

I passed by the then vacant block of land almost everyday, never really taking too much notice.
 I absently recall a FOR SALE sign going up, a SOLD sticker being slapped on it, the slab being poured and bricks being layed.
I remember a young couple moving in. At the time, to me, they seemed much older.
They weren't just a couple for long and soon enough had out-grown their first home.
This time around, almost twelve years on, I definitely noticed the FOR SALE sign go up.
My boyfriend and I were in the market and went along to the open house really just to peek.
How perfect for us though...needs some work of course...the price is right...


As a young pre-teen walking home from school everyday, I never could have imagined that one of the houses I passed each time would eventually be mine. It's so strange to think back, knowing how attached and invested we are now, that I barely even gave my sweet little hive a second glance.
Sometimes at night, Mr PH leans over and whispers: "I really love our house". And although we still have a ways to go, it always makes me smile.

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