50 FAVORITES FOR FRIDAY #decor #roomdecor #design
Happy weekend everyone!! I hope you enjoy today’s 50 Favorites from Kara Hebert Interiors (here):

I showed you some 70-80% off thing yesterday, but there are even more today. LOOK at at this first one. I feel like it would be a shame NOT to buy it. I could use it in my tv room! I’m seriously tempted…..
Hi everyone! Sorry for the short intro, but it’s a crazy week here. I hope you like these from Allison Elebash Design (here)!

What a fast week. It’s time for 50 Favorites already. Enjoy these rooms from Jenkins Interiors (here), and have a happy weekend everyone!

And here are some pieces that I believe in from Joss, representing the value items (price and quality) they are known for. The problem I have with Wayfair, and I’m betting you all agree, is that the sites are just so big that it’s hard to find new things (and the search function isn’t great). So I’m a fan of the curated sales, these in particular.
Hi everyone! So, it’s getting real with my oldest leaving for college. We take him Saturday to Schenectady NY (Union College), so I’ve been busy getting him ready. He’s the last of his friends to leave because his school does trimesters. It also means he comes home in the summer later than most, so I’ll be jealous of his friend’s parents come May. Anyway, he’s ready, and I am so excited for him. I’ll post pictures of him room on Monday (don’t expect anything special though… he won’t let me do it right!)
Enjoy these favorites from Blackband Design’s (here), and see you tomorrow.

And a few absolute STEALS (everything is 70-80% off). Don’t miss if you need things like this!
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