Week Eight Kitchen Update: Drywall, Paint and Countertop Shopping

Week eight kitchen expansion and first-floor renovation update of our little ranch style home. 

It's been a while since I've shared a kitchen update, but honestly, there hasn't been many drastic changes since the week two renovation update.   Demolition, installation of the new window, framing and electrical work happened pretty quick.  Everything came to a crawl and sudden halt when it was time to move the HVAC and install the new hardwood floor.  Unfortunately, the flooring contractor strung us along for almost a month then went MIA.  It was completely frustrating, especially since it was someone both myself and my contractor knew.   

Thankfully, we finally have the HVAC issues wrapped up, drywall has been installed, taped and mudded, the new triple window has been painted, the walls and ceiling primed and the new hardwood floor is getting installed as I type!   

Here's how the kitchen looked a few weeks ago when it looked more like a construction zone and less like a kitchen. 

Kitchen demo, removing kitchen walls
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