Better Homes and Gardens I Did It Feature

A look back and peek behind the scenes of my Better Homes and Gardens photo shoot! 

Many of you are aware that back in December of 2017 I made the difficult decision to leave my full-time job to focus on my blog and family.   If giving up a large chunk of our families income wasn't scary enough, the fear of failure was even scarier.  I've never been shy about my struggles with anxiety and let me tell you, it was a rough couple of months leading up to my last day of work.  Would I fail?  Was I making the right decision?  Is this best for our family?  How are we going to survive without my income?  So many questions and so many doubts flooded my mind.  


Just 2 days after I quit my job I got an e-mail from Kit, the senior project editor at BHG asking if they could come shoot my DIY Crate Lockers!  Being featured in a large magazine has always been a major blogging goal and getting that e-mail was the confirmation I needed.  It confirmed that I made the right decision and everything was going to be okay.
Better Homes and Gardens August 2018 Issue
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