Unicorn Silhouette Jar

You will need a Jar, paint, paintbrush, masking tape, a pencil, twine, flowers, candle, and rocks
Get two pieces of tape and overlap them to make a bigger piece of tape.
Draw out a silhouette of a unicorn on the tape and cut it out with a x-acto knife or scissors.
Place the unicorn silhouette on the front of jar.
You can now start painting the jar.
When the jar is dry, you can take of the tape off the jar.
Tie a bow with the twine on to the jar and then place the candle, rocks, or flowers inside the jar.
Unicorn Silhouette Pillow

You can either sew this pillow or you can glue it
You will need fabric, scissors, pencil, pillow stuffing, glue gun, paint, a paintbrush, and a ruler.
Use your ruler and a pencil to cut out one rectangle.
Fold the fabric in half and then cut out another squares.
Draw or trace the unicorn silhouette on to the fabric.
Now you can paint in the design and wait to dry.
Place the front sides of the fabric on top of each other.
Use the glue gun and glue around the corners of the fabric and then place the other fabric square on top. Make sure you leave a hole.
Flip it inside out through the hole that you left open. Then you can stuff the pillow.
Glue the opening together.

Unicorn Frame Art

You will need a picture frame, cardstock, paint, printer, paintbrush, pencil, scissors, and Mod Podge.
Print out the design or draw out the design.
Trace the back of the frame around the design.
Cut out the design.
Paint the unicorn silhouette with Mod Podge and pour the glitter onto the unicorn or wherever you would like the design and wait to dry.
Place the design inside the frame and put the frame together.
Final Thoughts!
and that's it! All of these DIY's are for someone that loves unicorns. If you could be a unicorn what color would you be?
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