How To Clean Grease Off Pans -Easily And In Seconds!

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how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 This past Christmas, I got a new ceramic set of white. I love it. Heck, it's white, so of course I love it :) But! There's one huge downfall; you can see all the grease and gunk that you thought cleaned off and didn't. I used to have dark non-stick cookware and although I could feel the grease left on the pans, I couldn't see it so it sadly didn't bother me that much. Now with this new cookware, it just looks dirty all the time. Trust me, I clean it. I soak if forever and scrub and scrub. Doesn't do anything.
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 This is what it looks like after it's "clean". No matter how much I scrub or how much soap and hot water I use, it never comes clean. Ps. This is after making eggs and sausage. The grease just loves getting stuck to the sides.
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 I then remembered how I took all the grease off my stove top and thought, duh! Baking soda!
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 I wet the bottom of the pan just a bit with water, then poured a layer of baking soda into the pan.
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 I then took my brush and started scrubbing. The grease literally just fell off.
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 You can see how the baking soda just scrubs it away.
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 I then noticed how bad the handle was and decided to see if it worked on that.
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.

how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
 And it worked! This was just about 10 seconds of scrubbing with the brush. Now I need to do the rest of the handle and sides :)
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
The difference is amazing! I seriously would spend like 10 minutes just scrubbing the heck out of the pans before with little results. And now when I notice the pan isn't cleaning as good as I want, I just sprinkle some baking soda in it and scrub for a few seconds and it comes off easily! 
how to easily clean grease off pots and pans in seconds.
I also noticed some other benefits of cleaning with baking soda the past week. Ever have stains in your plastic bowls that won't come out? Well, my mom decided to put purple paint water in one of my white bowls the other day and I couldn't scrub or clean the purple stain out. Then I just poured on some baking soda and scrubbed for a few seconds and the purple came right out! Something that the dish washer couldn't do :) Another thing, ever leave coffee or milk in a cup for too long? You know that smell that won't come out of the cup no matter what you do? You know the smell :) Just put some baking soda in it, and scrub it around. Gone! It's seriously amazing. I keep a huge box under my sink just for cleaning purposes.

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