DIY Christmas Gift Wrapping Using Plain Gift Boxes

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   I was provided product by DecoArt and compensated to write about this project, but all thoughts, opinions, and ideas are my own :)
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!

 Every time I put something in a Christmas box and then wrap it, I feel like I'm double wrapping, and it drives me nuts! But, it's not really acceptable, at least in our household, to just hand a plain ol' box. So, this year, I decided that I don't want to double wrap my presents anymore, instead, I'm going to actually decorate the box!
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 The process is actually pretty easy and self explanatory, but I'll walk you throw a few of the steps.

First, I taped off the design I wanted using painter's tape.
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 I then used these fabulous Dazzling Metallics from DecoArt:
Oyster Pearl
Festive Green
Royal Ruby
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 I painted the boxes. In this process I realized something, it is very necessary to use a descent brush to apply the paint so you can get it done in one coat instead of using five :)
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 When the paint is still a little wet, tear off the tape. I also noticed that depending on the box, sometimes the tape would peel up the white part of the box on the edges, so just be careful. Or have some extra white paint on hand if it bugs you...or use a sturdier box :)
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
And I am a full fan of using pine cones on presents. I've been doing it for years; it just adds the perfect amount of interest and texture. This year, I decided to take Oyster Pearl and brush it onto the outside of the pine cones.
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
I just love how these turned out. Now I wish I actually had presents in the boxes :) haha. Yeah, I need to get on that...
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!

DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 Here's another take on the idea, I wanted to make it look like a faux ribbon going around the present.
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 Same with this one.
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 I seriously just love these paints. The pictures don't give them justice since they are metallic. You can see in the below picture that it looks like three different greens when in reality, it's actually all the same paint :) The light is just hitting each present differently.
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!

DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
 Now to go and 'unwrap' all these presents to put some real stuff in them! :) Don't these just totally beat the socks off of plain ol' white boxes though?
DIY Christmas wrapping idea using plain old white boxes! Transform those plain old white boxes into something beautiful!
For more inspiration, check out DecorArt's website and social pages!

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored post.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to write it. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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