The Painted Hive Entryway

At only 1.1 meters deep x 1.6 meters wide (3.5 x 5.2 feet) my tiny entryway doesn't even rate a mention on the floor plan! An inch either side of the photo below and you're straight into the living room or hallway.

Sorry, I don't have a before pic though if you can imagine a little undressed space with worn beige berber carpet, timber toned trim and a dirty apple green wall that's pretty much it!

I knew early on that I wanted wallpaper somewhere in my house and this space seemed the perfect candidate - its location is discreet enough not to dictate the tone for the entire house though perfectly positioned to create a nice impression.
I took Mum along to help choose and am so glad I did. I was drooling over all the bold metallics and colourful patterns though practical Mum thankfully steered me in a more neutral direction. Don't get me wrong, I love the statement a strikingly 'dressed' wall can make though my fickle self would have been bored with it in five minutes (while I do still admire the vintage tones and subtle print of my chosen 'outfit' - and it doesn't strictly govern any near-by decor).

We painted the trim white and re-carpeted then waited for an appropriately priced and proportioned piece of furniture to come along. You see, when the front door is opened it leaves a clearance of only 30cm (12 inches) so whatever I chose needed to be accordingly narrow. Eventually, a lovely weathered cedar console showed up - perfect! I had envisioned all white against the wallpaper though the tone in this table seemed just right as is.

I must confess, I change the decor around in my home ALL THE TIME (much to hubby's annoyance) though currently have the console adorned with clearance and thrift store finds, fresh lavendar and rosemary, some re-purposed knick-knacks and a few special pieces.

 Hope you like it!

You can check out the item origins and price breakdown in this post. Of course, it's all been done on a budget!

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