DIY Easter Eggs

DIY Easter Eggs

I'm going to show you how to make Easter eggs with five different designs  room decorations use only and I'll be showing you how to make Easter eggs with wooden eggs.

I decided to make these DIY Easter eggs for a DIY monochrome room decor idea which means I painted them with similar color schemes but you can paint them any color that you want and it shouldn't take you that long to make these DIY eggs for Easter.

Here's the video version of these DIY's:

For The Base of These Eggs

The first thing you want to do is to paint all of your eggs and what you will need for the base of these eggs are some wooden eggs. You can find the wooden eggs at Michaels, on Amazon, or probably any craft store and you can use eggs of any size. You will also need tin foil, a paintbrush, and paint of any color that you want to paint your eggs.

All you have to do for the base of the eggs is to put them on the tin foil so you don't get paint onto anything and then you want to paint them any color that you want. I painted all of mine white. You could use plastic eggs but I'm not sure how the paint will stay on the eggs and you could also use real eggs but if you plan on keeping your eggs you need to get the yolk out of the eggs so they last longer and won't get spoiled.

After you get your eggs painted you can start designing them.

DIY Geometric Egg

DIY Geometric Egg

The first idea I'm going to show you how to make is this geometric designed egg.

What you are going to need for this egg is washi tape or duct tape and scissors.

You want to take a piece of washi tape and make sure you have a long enough piece by wrapping the not sticky part of the tape around the egg and you want to cut off that piece of tape so you can use it for your egg.

Then you want to cut the tape into thin strips.

All you have to do now is to wrap the strips of tape onto the egg.

If the end of a piece of tape stops in the middle of the egg not connecting to anywhere you can add a end of a new strip of tape at the end of that piece of tape that's on the egg and you can cut off some of the tape if you don't like where the tape ends or if it overlaps in a place where you don't want it to be.

You can add as many pieces of tape onto the egg that you want and you also want to put the tape on in many different directions so you can see shapes like triangles in the design. You can also make something like a geometric heart or another shape onto the egg if you want and you could also draw this design on with a marker or paint.

DIY Bow Egg

DIY Bow Egg

The next idea I'm going to show you how to make this egg with a bow on it.

What you will need for this egg is some ribbon and scissors.

All you have to do for this egg is to tie a piece of ribbon around the egg and then you want to adjust the bow so it looks right on the egg.

Then you want to cut the tails of the bow at a angle.

DIY Paint Splattered Egg

DIY Paint Splattered Egg

The third idea I'm going to show you how to make is this paint spattered egg.

What yo will need for this idea is a couple pieces of paper or something that can protect your surface and your surroundings so you don't get paint onto anything. You will also need a paper plate, paint, a paintbrush, and water.

What you want to do is to is to put some paint onto the paper plate and mix some water into the paint but don't put too much water into the paint or the paint will run off the egg.

Then you want to lay the egg down and then put some paint on the paintbrush and flick the paint onto the egg. Something that I found out is that if there is more water in the paint the bigger the splatters will be on the egg and I recommend trying it on a test egg to see how much water to put in the paint.

You want to wait for the paint to dry before you start putting paint on the other sides of the egg.

When you like how your egg looks you just have to wait till the end dries before you start using it as a room decoration.

DIY Cute Face Egg

DIY Cute Face Egg

The next idea I'm going to show how to make is this egg with a face on it.

What you will need for this idea is a pencil, a paintbrush, a marker and paint.

The first thing you want to do is to draw on the face with a pencil and then you can color in the face with a marker or with paint.

I colored in the eyes and the mouth with a marker and then I painted the pupils on the eyes with paint and I also painted some blush on with some pink paint.

DIY Mustache Egg

DIY Mustache Egg

For the last idea I will show you how to make this mustache egg.

For this mustache egg you will need the same stuff as the face egg.

All you have to do for this egg is to draw on the mustache on the egg with a pencil and then you can color it in with a marker or you can paint any color that you want.

A Idea That You Can Use For These Eggs

DIY Easter Eggs

You can put your eggs into anything that you want. I decided to put my eggs into this basket and I also put some raffia into the basket to make it look like a chicken's nest.

You can use something like tissue paper instead of using the raffia or you can use whatever
you would like.

Question Time!

and that's how you make all of these Easter eggs! In the comments down below let me know what you think about these Easter egg and let me know which one is your favorite.

DIY Easter Eggs

DIY Easter Eggs

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