6 DIY Background & Backdrop Ideas for YouTube Videos

6 DIY Background & Backdrop Ideas for YouTube Videos

I'm going to show you six DIY background ideas for YouTube videos. You can use these background and backdrop ideas for DIYs or you can stand or sit in front of some lights. These easy background ideas for YouTube video probably won't cost you that much because you may already have them or because the item that you would use for the background is cheap.

I use the light background, the poster board background and the blanket background for my YouTube videos. The light background is my favorite backdrops for YouTube videos and so is the blanket and scrapbook paper backgrounds for DIY videos.

I'll show you a scrapbook paper background and a Christmas light background that you could use for your YouTube videos. I will also show you a wrapping paper background, a blanket background, a poster board background, and a wood flooring background that you could use for your YouTube videos.

I have been thinking of doing a series on DIYs that you could use for your YouTube videos and doing videos on how to edit videos and thumbnails. If you would like to see videos like that let me know in the comments down below.


The first background idea I'm going to show you is made out of scrapbook or cardstock paper. For the scrapbook paper background for YouTube videos, you can use scrapbook paper, cardstock paper, or print off a image that you can use legally and make a collage as a background for the video.

All you have to do is take some sheets of scrapbook or cardstock paper and lay them out in any way you would like.

You may have to zoom in to crop out any spaces not covered by the paper and to prevent the paper from moving you can tape the paper down onto the surface that's it's on top of.


The second background idea I'm going to show is made out of poster board. For the poster board background for YouTube videos, you can use pink, orange, or green poster board. You can use the green poster board as a green screen.

You can take any color of paper like pink or orange and use it as a background. I do recommend getting a big piece of poster board so you wouldn't have to zoom in to crop out the space that's not covered by it.

You can also take a piece of poster board and you can either let the background be green or you can use it as a green screen and put your own image or a image that you can use legally in place of the green poster board.

The one thing you will have to do is to make sure the shadows are not there while your filming because it doesn't look that good when the shadows are there.


The third background I'm going to show you is made from a blanket.

All you have to do is grab a blanket and fold it and you can use a blanket with a pattern or you can use a plain blanket.

This is the current way that I film all of my DIY videos and make sure you be very careful if you are painting something because you can get paint onto the blanket by accident and ruin the blanket if you don't get it out with soap and water quickly.


The fourth background I'm going to show you is made out of Christmas lights. The light background for YouTube videos will be very easy to make and you could use Christmas lights to make the background.

All you need is some Christmas lights and some hooks to hang up the lights or if you have a shelf that has hooks and hang the lights on there.

You want Command Strips or something similar to these!

I hung two different colors of lights onto my shelf hooks and connected them together.

I use this background idea for my fashion videos. Just one thing about this is that if you have a camera that has manual focus and if you can't turn it off because that's way your camer was made you may have issues with the camera focusing on you and the video will become blurry.


The fifth background I'm going to show you is made out of wrapping paper.  For the wrapping paper background for YouTube videos, you can use any pattern of wrapping paper and if you don't like the color of your wrapping paper you can use the back of the wrapping paper instead.

You can take some wrapping paper and roll it out and you can use any color or pattern of wrapping paper.

If you don't like the color of your wrapping paper you can use the back of the wrapping paper instead.


For the last background, all you have to have is a wooden floor.

and that's it! In the comments down below let me know which one of these backgrounds is your favorite.

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