The Odd Trick To Clean Your Shower Door

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how to clean a shower door. The odd trick that actually works using something from the laundry room!

Well, Christmas is over so all the pretty pictures are going to be replaced with decluttering and cleaning! Isn't that what usually follows? It is at our house :) I'm going to be a little vulnerable here, I usually am if you have seen my other cleaning posts. So, no hating. This is real life for me and lots of other people.

My master bathroom is designed horribly. They thought it would be great to place the toilet in a little closet with the shower. I'm not sure why they did this, but all I know is that it drives me nuts. And I try to avoid this place at all costs unless I need to take a shower. I know that's no excuse for a messy bathroom, but it does feel like a dungeon. There's no windows, and it's cramped. Anyway. That's just the story of the space. :)

So, I heard the other day a weird trick to remove hard water from glass doors and thought I would give it a try. And no, it does not involve squeegees like my picture suggests. It actually involves....dryer sheets. Yep! And that's it!

I thought that there's no way that a dryer sheet could clean my horrible door. Well, they can :) See for yourself! Here's the before. I placed the shampoo bottle in there so you can really see how you can't see through the door :)
how to clean a shower door. The odd trick that actually works using something from the laundry room!
 Next, I took my dryer sheet and wet it. I then started scrubbing the door. I wish I could say that it doesn't need a lot of scrubbing, but with my door, it did. There were parts that didn't need hardly any. So, I guess it would just depend on how bad the build up of hard water is.
how to clean a shower door. The odd trick that actually works using something from the laundry room!
 After scrubbing, I then took a wet clothe and went back over it to get rid of the soapy residue from the dryer sheet. I then finished it with some Windex.

Here's how one side looks compared to the other. The left side hasn't been touched and the right side has.
how to clean a shower door. The odd trick that actually works using something from the laundry room!
 And the after! I gotta say, this has been weird being able to see through my door again! :) And it has also been really easy to keep it clean. I do recommend using a squeegee after every shower to keep the water off your hard work...or I mean, clean glass. And if you start to see the build up again, just do the dryer sheets again! It will be a lot easier this time :)
how to clean a shower door. The odd trick that actually works using something from the laundry room!
I know there are a ton of hacks using dryer sheets for cleaning. I just had no idea this one would actually work!

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